Sand Slime is so fun to make and a totally different sensory experience than either slime or sand. You can easily make a fluffy sand slime with my sand slime recipe below and create a super non-sticky and flubber-like slime that brings a lot of fun to science play. As always, even though this is a borax free slime creation, make sure you are monitoring your children as this is a science experiment and is meant to have adult supervision no matter how fun it is. Also because this one has shaving cream, its also considered a FLUFFY SLIME.
    Sand Slime Ingredients – before you get started make sure you have these things on hand.
  • White school glue – I always use GALLON SIZED GLUE. Slime projects always lead to more slime and you cannot get a gallon in the store. I highly recommend just getting the big one as a more cost effective strategy. I only buy this from Amazon cause its free shipping.
  • Liquid Starch – This can be impossible to find, so also better to grab online.
  • Shaving Cream
  • Fine Sand – I find fine colored sand at craft stores, but you can also buy Terrarium Sand on Amazon.


Ready to make your sand slime? When you make it this way, it comes out more like flubber. Its soft and rubbery, and can hold shapes very well. It has a super slow flow and isn’t sticky like regular slimes. This makes it a fun slime for school aged children. Lets get started on the slime!
  1. Start with about 2 cups of white glue – you don’t have to measure it, just eyeball it. I pour in a glass bowl.
  2. Now add some poofy shaving cream, I like the dollar store kind. My estimate is about 1 cup worth. Stir.
  3. Add color! I only use the Wilton’s Color Right for the best and brightest results.
  4. Now add your find grain sand. I added about 1/2 cup worth
  5. Starch time! Add about 1/3rd- 1/4th cup liquid starch to the bowl and stir. You will immediately see the slime form up. Continue stirring a minute or so and then pick up and begin kneading your slime. I have added a video below on how to make slime and can help you if you have questions. The slime in the video does not include the shaving cream or sand but will show you the overall process of making slime if you need help.
  6. Once your slime is made, sit down and let it flatten out. You can fold it a few times like you would bread dough until its cohesive. Now you can play.
  7. Remember that this kind of slime is not as stretchy as regular sand slime, its more of a flubber, which is due to the additive of shaving cream.
Tip: Try to turn it into rainbow explosion by doing this
