Soft and Edible Easter Peeps Playdough Activity for Kids

We’ve been making a lot of slime recipes, but today, I thought we’d take a break from slime and try making a play dough instead! Peeps are a love it or hate it food, and my family is firmly in the hate-to-eat-it camp, but we do love the adorable shapes! Bunny Peeps are our favorite. For this project, I transformed our Peeps into a soft, smooth, and edible Peeps playdough that was a lot of fun for my kids to play with. If you add less starch to your mixture, you can even transform this into Peeps slime if you want something a little messier to play with.

Soft and Edible Easter Peeps Playdough Activity for Kids

What you’ll need for Peeps playdough:
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  • Peeps
  • Airtight container (we used one from the 99 Cent Only Store)
  • Cornstarch

The first step is to microwave your peeps. You want them to soften and get stretchy, but you don’t want them to burn. Cook your Peeps in about 30-second intervals until they are puffy, soft, and easy to stir with a fork.

Add cornstarch. We used about a tablespoon per 3-4 Peeps. If your dough is too sticky, add more starch. If it is too stiff, add another melted Peep.

Work the dough in your hands until it is soft, smooth, and no longer sticky. What you’re making is marshmallow fondant, which is commonly added to cakes in bakeries. Only this fondant is made using Peeps!

Once the dough is no longer stick, kids can play with it just like regular dough. The Peeps playdough does tend to get stickier over time, so keep some cornstarch on hand to prevent it from getting too messy.

Roll it out, shape it, squeeze it, and have fun!