Super Strong Bubbles!

Learning how to make super strong bubbles has been on our list of summer things to do for way too long! I love this post showing how to make bubbles and this one for how to make bubble solution for huge bubbles.

We've made all sorts of different kinds of bubbles while taking advantage of Minnesota's warm summers, but somehow we've missed super strong bubbles!

You might be asking: what's the point of super strong bubbles? Or, what should we do with them? I have answers for you!

The point of super strong bubbles is to make longer-lasting bubbles that are more resistant to popping.

What to do with super strong bubbles?

Super strong bubbles are fun because you can do more with them than you can with a regular bubbles.
Like it says in the super strong bubbles recipe below,  you should wear gloves if you want to touch them!
  • Hold them in your hand.
  • Bounce the bubbles to another person
  • See how many times you can play catch with them.
  • Blow the bubbles onto various surfaces (grass, rocks, patio furniture) and see where they last the longest.
  • Juggle the bubbles
  • Test how hard you can squeeze the bubbles.
  • See how many bubbles you can hold at one time.
  • Use a straw to blow a bubble. Stick the straw inside it and blow a bubble inside a bubble!

How to Make Super Strong Bubbles

Scroll down for a printable super strong bubbles recipe
  • 1 cup distilled water
  • 2 tablespoons dish soap. Dawn dish soap truly works the best for homemade bubbles!
  • 1 tablespoon glycerin (see where to buy glycerin below)
  • 1 tablespoon white corn syrup
  1. Mix the water, dish soap, glycerin and corn syrup in a bowl or an empty bottle.
  2. Cover and let sit in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours.
  3. Play with your super strong bubbles!
Enjoy the super strong bubbles :)