I have a silly and fun little craft idea that is perfect for summer. Kids love slime, at least mine do, and it is so simple and cheap to make. Absolutely perfect for hot summer afternoons or for rainy days. There is a new Finding Dory movie coming out June 16th and these would be so cute to make after catching that movie!
I try to have a bit of quiet time on summer afternoons to get housework and blog stuff done and making the kids a bag of slime is perfect to keep them entertained. This summer I am trying hard to come up with a lot of ideas like this for quiet time because I really want to start listening to some French language CDs for kids that I found at the library.
So when my 8 year old came home begging for a fish one day, I had an idea to create a fish in a bag for her from slime . (No chance I am getting her a real fish until she can actually pick shoes up off the floor and turn homework in on time.)
This is super, super simple to do and so fun! I made these and set them out to photograph in the morning and the kids were begging to take them to school. I even caught my husband giving the bags a poke when he thought I wasn’t looking. (I am always looking darling! Eyes in the back of my head you know.)