In this post I’m sharing the simple recipes for Playdough Five Ways! 

Please read the post to see the exact way to make the dough so they work for you rather than just the ingredients on the photo.
Making playdough at home is so easily done and is cheaper than buying pots and pots from the shops. You can do lots of different things with home made playdough so I hope you like this Playdough Five Ways.

Another ingredient that isn’t needed but makes the playdough texture better is cream of tar tar. It can be bought in the baking isle of most shops and comes in little sachets. You either need half a sachet per dough or 2 tablespoons per dough mix.

A few things to note:

*Use Cream of Tartar if you have it.
*Where it says water use kettle boiled water to avoid needing to cook the playdough.
*Work in more flour if the dough is too sticky.
*The more you work the dough the firmer it will become.
*To make it easier to colour you can mix the food colouring into the water before adding that to the dry ingredients.
*Store in an air tight container.

Here is a bit more info about each of the Playdough’s:

The stretchy dough is so fun made with just two ingredients and I love that you can get the white colour from it than using flour doesn’t give. You can also use self raising flour replacing plain flour in the original recipe which also makes the dough stretchy.

With the glittery dough I kept the food colouring not quite mixed in to give an added marbled effect, I thought it looked fab. I used red small glitter but would like to experiment with larger glitter pieces to see how it turns out!

The rock salt dough was actually made by mistake but it turned out to be really good. Using the coarse salt instead of table salt gave it a rough texture which was fab alongside all these other playdoughs as it added another element for Amelia to explore.

The original dough is super easy to make and you can add as much or as little food colouring making the colour of your choice.

The scented dough can be done in a few ways using either an essential oil, spices or shower gels. I have previously used spices for scent when we did Autumn Playdough but for this one I used strawberry shower gel. It worked really well. I know I’ve said 2 table spoons but but add a little and see how it turns out then you can always add more!

The playdough was all pink as we used it for a Valentines Playdough Platter that turned out to be so much fun but like I mentioned colour is completely optional just using food colouring. I always use the gel as you don’t need very much and using the liquid can sometimes mess up the balance of ingredients so just be cautious when adding if you do!
Do your children like playdough?
Thanks for reading!